

The construction project of "Malayan Railway" cancelled! Both countries insist the loan clearance of other's!

According to various  medhia outlets inside &ouside Japan had reported that The Malayan Railways(Headquaters: Kuala Lumpur of Malaysia ) to be cancelled due to Covid-19 economic damage(Sankei 01/01). Detail tip has to be confirmed but Bloomberg says Singapore has its debt to clear off. NHK reports Malaysia side require Singapore to pay its debt by due day unknown. 

At least to know, Singapore and Malaysia Gov. agree on that. This blog forsee two Gov. should go to court avilable. in a nut shell, the mattes is sure to be disputed. Possible Mediator is US, UK, China, or Japan. 

1, the probability of US

50%. US is very busy in local chores. So no chance to pay a visit to Malay peninsula.

2.the probability of UK

75%. UK was a ruler of both countries before the war with Japan. But the problem is which should be first? China or Malay?

3,the probability of China

20% . According to NHK, China and Japan struggles with conclude the construction contract of both side. So China itsself positively takes that role. But Japan Challenges it.  

3,the probability of Japan

10%. The memory of the war forces both to refuse the Japanese intervention. If should no country play as "white knigt", on that narrow spce Japan will be called by both.

This blog name this incident "The battle of Money in Malayan Railways case"(C) !
