

Yuriko Koike's info by Facta: Nobody wants to know or be suggested ! Disgusting!

Facta , past cutting-edge media of Japan, writes an article on how to tackle Covid-19 by Tokyo governor Ms. Yuriko Koike. it reports that Koike possiblly requests Central government to re-mobilize 2nd Japanese-versioned Emergent Declaration set out last AprThis blog has no will to say anything now. Because she is the one who has used so many queer vocabraries so often.

再び「緊急事態宣言」発令か/小池都知事に主導権/影が薄い「喋れない首相」:FACTA ONLINE

Look at the HP bellow!

ガスター10(詳細)|第一三共ヘルスケア (